Bomb Scout

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The Bomb Scout is a ranged cultist enemy that can only be found in Anchordeep and Silk Cradle. They will attack the Lamb by throwing powerful bombs at them.


Clad in a red robe with a complete hood, the Bomb Scout appears much larger that it actually is thanks to its backpack full of bombs, the strap holding it to the small humanoid sporting a golden pentacle. The slit on the hood is in the shape of an inverted cross, as with the red eyes or "eye" in this case, however whether the Bomb Scout is actually a cyclops under the hood and robes is a matter of debate. The bombs that the Bomb Scout throws look like simple cartoon bombs, black spheres with a short fuse leading to a small entry protruding from the top. The only really notable detail about them is the bright red skull painted on them.


The Scout tries to strike the Lamb in melee.
The Scout tries to strike the Lamb in melee.


The Scout throws a bomb at the Lamb.
The Scout throws a bomb at the Lamb.

The Bomb Scout is a relatively stationary enemy, even if it possesses the ability to move it is quite slow and will not even try to move away from the Lamb if they are too close. Their first, and most often executed attack is their ability to pick up a bomb from their backpack and throw it with a lit fuse after a long wind up towards Lamb, an indicator appears on the floor to show where it will land. Note that even if the Lamb is out of the indicator, the bombs still deal damage in an AOE, and may prove harmful if the player is too close. Their second attack is their ability to swing a curved dagger at the Lamb, they will immediately execute that attack if the player gets too close and it cannot be interrupted unless the scout is shot with a curse or hit with a hammer. The bombs of the Bomb Scout do not only damage the Lamb, they can also damage other enemies and so scouts might actually be more useful alive than dead in some circumstances to deal with lots of enemies.