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The Guardian is a tough melee cultist enemy that can only be found in Anchordeep and Silk Cradle, they are more tougher than all the other cultists and they are capable of both ranged and melee attacks.

The Red Guardian, its stronger variant, can only be found in Silk Cradle.


The Guardian towers over all the other cultist enemies, dwarfing them and the Lamb. They wear black pants with red boots, and can be assumed to have some sort of red jacket from their sleeve although their actual torso cannot be seen, covered by a large cloak golden along the length that is torn at the edges. They also sport a stitched hood, and wear a cracked skull mask. The cloak has a long piece of parchment with blood red writing stapled to it by a golden pentacle, the parchment being torn at the end. For their weapon of choice, the Guardian wields a very large sword with spikes on both sides halfway through the blade, with the guard being a golden pentacle encircled in red arrows in a shape very reminiscent of the Symbol of Chaos, with the top arrow being longer than the others. Ichor can be seen leaking from both the mask and the cloak at the shoulders.

The Red Guardian is even more massive than the Guardian, towering over even them. Unlike their normal counterpart they wear a large red robe, black at the feet and with a piece of parchment stapled to it, along with a red fleece on worn on top of that. Their mask is also immaculate and in the shape of a beak instead of a skull. The Red Guardian also wields a sword, although theirs is absolutely gigantic, with the blade spliting in two smaller parallelly aligned blades, one being longer than the other. Along with the spikes seen on the Guardian's blade, the Red Guardian's sword has an additional pair of blades that hook back towards the guard. The guard itself is the same as the Guardian's blade, however the pentacle is red, the Symbol of Chaos is golden, the top arrow is much bigger and finally the arrows on the smaller blade's side extend into a golden knuckle bow covering the Hilt.




A guardian executing a two-hit combo on the Lamb.
A guardian executing a two-hit combo on the Lamb.
A Red Guardian shooting out fireballs in a radial pattern.
A Red Guardian shooting out fireballs in a radial pattern.

The Guardian has a simple role and purpose: Stop the Lamb in their tracks at all costs. It is the most toughest ordinary enemy in the game and cannot be knocked back or stunned whatsoever. Even if the player hits them with a hammer, they will continue marching forward until they are in attack range. The Guardian will chase the Lamb around the room relentlessly and will try to attack them with a relatively faster two-hit combo that can also strike from behind them. The range on this attack is quite large and as such it not recommended to stay close to the Guardian when they are attacking. This enemy will also execute a ranged attack after an elapsed time, where it will clasp both of its hands together, with their sword floating above them, before a circle of fireballs appears around them and gets launched at the Lamb. There is a fairly long delay between any of the Guardian's attack, so they will be open to attacks immediately after doing them.


A Guardian shoots a circle of fireballs at the Lamb.
A Guardian shoots a circle of fireballs at the Lamb.

The Red Guardian meanwhile makes the Guardian look like a joke, with an even bigger health pool and even larger melee range. They are much slower however, but that doesn't really stop them from simply using its own ranged attack, where they will clasp their hands like the Guardian and shoot out fireballs in a radial pattern. Those fireballs will stop a certain distance from the guardian and will quickly boomerang right back to them after roughly half a second.