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Haborym is the second boss of Anchordeep.


Haborym appears as a floating squid-like creature, with a triangular blue head stitched together from three separate parts. His body sports ten bony tusk-like spikes, four yellow eyes with cross-shaped pupils that weep ichor, a vertical mouth full of sharp teeth, and four red tentacles flapping around beneath its head. In Haborym's Purged variant, his eyes appear more slit, there is a laceration in between two of his eyes, more ichor, and a few of his tusk-like spikes are chipped or completely severed, they also appear to be covered in ichor splatters.



Haborym purged

The name "Haborym" comes from The Lesser Key of Solomon, a 17th-century grimoire compiling texts on sorcery, angels, and demons. The first book of the grimoire, the Ars Goetia ("Art of Witchcraft"), lists a hierarchy of demons that rule over Hell, listing Haborym (also spelled Aym or Aim) as a Great Duke of Hell. He is described as a man with three heads: one of a serpent, one of a man, and one of a cat or a calf, and riding a giant viper. He carries a burning firebrand, with which he sets entire cities and castles ablaze upon request.