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Plimbo is an NPC in Cult of the Lamb that is a smuggler/sailor.


Plimbo sells tarot cards and Anchordeep's decorations. He also gives 1 Holy Talisman fragment for each Eye of the Witness, up to a maximum of four eyes. Four more eyes can be obtained in end game upon defeating the bishops again.



"Want a closer look at the finest antiquities in the lands of the Old Faith, Lamb? That's right, as long as me ships a-floatin', Plimbo's open for business! If this wets ye whistle, come down to me Sanctuary! Plenty of fine, legally acquired goods! Har har!"

First met at Smuggler's Sanctuary

"YOU!!! Listen, mutton chop - you owe me a ship! The Bishops are nasty pieces o' work but they do a good enough job of keeping the waterways open and trade flowing 'round here. But with you going around KILLING THEM it opens the gates for all sorts o' monstrous beasts to start sinking my stock! Scary things they be, with gnashing teeth and odiferous stinks and a face that could curdle milk! JUST LIKE ME MOTHER-IN-LAW AH AH AH AH! So you best be making this right! Each time a Bishop dies, a nasty beast called a Witness takes its place. Lucky for ye Plimbo knows folk will pay a pretty penny for the Eye of a Witness. Ye get me their eyes, I buy a a new boat, and we'll call it square. All ye need to do is return to places ye've killed a Bishop, defeat the fercious beast that has emerged, and bring me their eyes! Simple enough."

Given the 1st Eye of the Witness

"About time! Look at this squishy thing! They say these creatures have seen all there is to see, and stood in silent judgement for millennia. JUST LIKE ME MOTHER-IN-LAW AH AH AH! Here, take this. Found it one me travels. Means naught to me, but a crown bearer might have some use for it. Three more to go!"

2nd Eye of the Witness

"You got another eye? Plimbo is starting to SEE your appeal. HA! Truly, safety and security is something Plimbo takes seriously - especially in me line of business. But I could never bow me head to another... so don't think you'll be able to convert old Plimbo! Only two more to go. Take this as a token of me thanks."

3rd Eye of the Witness

"This be the third eye! Ye are even more deadly than Plimbo thought! Hmm... Plimbo needs safety for me trade, and the Lamb can give that... but Plimbo is a wild soul. I serve no one but meself! But then again, the last Witness could sink me ship, me trade, me way of life. And then what'll be left of Plimbo? Fine! Force me hand. Bring me that last eye and I'll bow me head to you and your ways."

4th Eye of the Witness

"I'll take that! Here, this is for you. An eye for an eye, indeed!"

"So ye've really done it, ye damned Lamb. Ye've slain all four of the Witnesses! Plimbo's a creature of me word, and savvy with the business. I'll follow ye. All Plimbo asks in return is you keep me waterways safe and me trade secure! I'll even sell you some of me wares. No discounts, but! Don't get too big for ye tiny britches, Lamb."
