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After the Temple has been built, the Lamb can give Sermon once per day to draw the strength from the Followers to enhance their stats and unlock new gears.

Each Follower gives an amount of Sermon points equals to their level.


Tier 1

Name Image Description Requirement
Hearts of the Faithful
Hearts of the Faithful.png
Permanently gain half a Heart
Bane Weapons
Bane Weapons.png
Bane Weapons have a chance of poisoning enemies when attacking.

They will appear on your Crusades.

Hearts of the Faithful unlocked
Curse of the Horde
Curse of the Horde.png
3 new Curses will appear on your Crusades. (Hounds of Fate, Maelstrom, Point of Corruption) Hearts of the Faithful unlocked

Tier 2

Name Image Description Requirement
Might of the Devout I
Might of the Devout I.png
Increase the starting level of weapons to III-IV when you begin a new Crusade. 2 upgrades unlocked
Vampiric Weapons
Vampiric Weapons.png
Vampiric Weapons have a chance to heal the wielder using the life force of a slain foe.

They will appear on your Crusades

Might of the Devout I + Bane Weapons unlocked
Curse of the Occultist
Curse of the Occultist.png
3 new curses will appear on your Crusades. (Cleansing Fire, Divine Guardian, Path of the Righteous) Might of the Devout I + Curse of the Horde unlocked
Fervour of the Righteous I
Fervour of the Righteous I.png
Increae the total amount of Fervour you can hold, allowing you to cast an additional Curse Might of the Devout I unlocked

Tier 3

Name Image Description Requirement
Hearts of the Faithful II
Hearts of the Faithful II.png
Permanently gain half a Heart 5 upgrades unlocked
Necromantic Weapons
Necromantic Weapons.png
Necromantic Weapons have a chance to summon dangerous ghosts from dead enemies that attack nearby foes.

They will appear on your Crusades

Hearts of the Faithful II + Vampiric Weapons unlocked
Curse of the Tundra
Curse of the Tundra.png
3 new Curses will appear on your Crusades (Divine Blizzard, Death's Squall, Touch of Ithaqua) Hearts of the Faithful II + Curse of the Occultist unlocked

Tier 4

Name Image Description Requirement
Might of the Devout II
Might of the Devout II.png
Increase the starting level of weapons to VI-VII when you begin a new Crusade 8 upgrades unlocked
Zealous Weapons
Zealous Weapons.png
Zealous Weapons will cause collected Fervour to increase your Divine Inspiration bar.

They will appear on your Crusades

Might of the Devout II + Necromantic Weapon unlocked
Curse of the Necromancer
Curse of the Necromancer.png
3 new Curse will appear on your Crusades (Death's Attendant, Touch of the Revenant, Divine Blight) Might of the Devout II + Curse of the Tundra unlocked
Fervour of the Righteous II
Fervour of the Righteous II.png
Increase the total amount of Fervour you can hold, allowing you to cast an additional Curse. Might of the Devout II + Fervour of the Righteous I unlocked

Tier 5

Name Image Description Requirement
Might of the Devout III
Might of the Devout III.png
Increase the starting level of weapons to IX-X when you begin a new Crusade 12 upgrades unlocked
Merciless Weapons
Merciless Weapons.png
Merciless Weapons have a chance to deal a Critical Hit when attacking enemies.

They will appear on your Crusades.

Might of the Devout III + Zealous Weapons unlocked
Curse of the Beguiler
Curse of the Beguiler.png
3 new Curses will appear on your Crusades. (Strike of the Crown, Oath of the Crown, Call of the Crown) Might of the Devout III + Curse of the Necromancer unlocked

Tier 6

Name Image Description Requirement
Might of the Devout IV
Might of the Devout III.png
Increase the starting level of weapons to XII-XIII when you begin a new Crusade 16 upgrades unlocked
Godly Weapons
Godly Weapons.png
Godly Weapons deal significantly more damage than mortal weapons, but are rare.

They will appear on your Crusades.

Might of the Devout IV + Merciless Weapons unlocked
Might of the Devout V
Might of the Devout V.png
Increase the starting level of weapons to XV-XVI when you begin a new Crusade Might of the Devout IV unlocked
