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The Summoner is a common ranged cultist enemy and can be found in all biomes. They will attack the Lamb at a distance and will summon enemies to aid them in battle.


Clothed in a large black hooded robe wrapped in purple fabric and decorated with skulls, with the cowl colored gold and the bottom of the robe ripped, the Summoner is certainly an intimidating figure. They float off the floor like a phantom and do not appear to have any visible feet, albeit they do have defined clawed black hands with 4 fingers and a hint of fur on them. Their eyes are slanted like the smaller Swordsman and Archer, but have six of them and possess a much more imposing figure compared to these two and the Lamb. This combined with the ichor dripping from its cowl and purple wraps implies they may not be a simple animal anymore.


Summoner throwing arrows at the Lamb.
Summoner throwing arrows at the Lamb.


Summoner summoning enemies.
Summoner summoning enemies.
Summoner teleporting to the other side of the room.
Summoner teleporting to the other side of the room.

The Summoner is a cowardly enemy, even more so than the Archer. They can only move by teleporting, usually either when threatened or after having done a few attacks, and will stay as far away from the Lamb as possible while either throwing two flaming arrows at the player or summoning several enemies. Note that the portals spawned by the summoner linger for a second or two, and that summoned enemies can and will immediately attack the moment they appear, it is ill advised to stay near a portal that is opening. The Summoner, just like the Swordsman and the Archer, is also an enemy that can be stunned, either by deflecting their own arrows back at them or by hitting them with a curse.

The Summoner can only summon three types of enemies, these being:

-The Scamp

-The Swordsman

-The Archer

The Summoner is incapable of summoning the elite variant of the Swordsman or the Archer.