Witness Bathin

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Witness Bathin resides in Anura, the 2nd biome in Cult of the Lamb, unlockable by beating Leshy. you will find Witness Bathin in the room where the miniboss usually will be, though you will have to kill Heket to access it's room. when you find the Heket statue it will have an X on it, if broken it will open up a portal. if you want to fight Witness Bathin, do not go through the portal. continue through without dying and you will find Witness Bathin.


Witness Bathin shows 3 eyes, and 2 horns. It has a wooden cross stuck into it's head with black goop dripping down from it. The horn and cross are spotted with moss as well. The cross seems to stick out the bottom of the head, ending in a point, paired with smaller wood planks on the edges of the head. There is also painted eye markings on the lower half of the head. Sitting at the bottom of the head are two extremities, most likely froggish legs. As a follower, Witness Bathin has the standard follower body, face and colors. It's face is extremely simplified, although it keeps the cross and horns. The painting markings are much more pastel in color as a follower as well.


Witness Bathin's first attack is charging forward, telegraphed by a red arrow. Its second attack is firing a line of exploding projectiles, roughly towards the player. Its third attack is firing many exploding projectiles in a radius around it.

When Witness Bathin takes significant damage, it will teleport away, spawning several Anura enemies. These have to be killed in order for Witness Bathin to return.

This continues until Witness Bathin is dead.


When defeating Witness Bathin you will gain a lot of coins, fervour, and an eye of the witness. you can give this eye of the witness to the smuggler and he will give you a holy talisman shard. You will also given a new follower and follower form from Witness Bathin, whom you can convert to your cult.


  • The name "Bathin" comes from The Lesser Key of Solomon, a 17th-century grimoire compiling texts on sorcery, angels, and demons. The first book of the grimoire, the Ars Goetia ("Art of Witchcraft"), lists a hierarchy of demons that rule over Hell, listing Bathin as a Duke of Hell. In the original text he is described as a muscular, serpent-tailed man with vast knowledge of the properties of plants and stones, and rides a pale horse with which he can transport others over great distances.
  • Witness Bathin keeps the trend of frog theme in Anura with the frog like legs and croaky growl at the beginning of the fight.
  • witness bathin

    witness bathin

  • purged witness bathin

    purged witness bathin