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Buildings are constructed inside the Cult HQ, on any location that isn't the central dirt area, where the Shrine sits. Once constructed, they can be freely moved around or demolished through the Build interface, at no cost to the Lamb.

Note that some buildings can only be built a single time and can only be deleted or moved.

Building upgrades can only be built on top of existing lower tier buildings, never directly.

Building materials can be lowered by 20% when you have unlocked 40 upgrades in Divine Inspiration.

Outside of low quality sleeping spaces, some buildings can be destroyed as a negative consequence of drunken followers or certain rituals. All destroyed or collapsed buildings can be repaired at the cost of some of the initial building materials in a timing minigame similar to cooking.

Follower buildings

These buildings support the Followers.


Name Image Description Cost
Sleeping Bag
Icon SleepingBag.png
A place for a Follower to sleep. Very unstable, will often collapse. 5 Lumber.png Lumber
10 Coin.png Coins
Icon House 1.png
Upgrade a Sleeping Bag to a more stable shelter, which will collapse less often. 5 Lumber.png Lumber
3 Stone.png Stone
10 Coin.png Coins
Grand Shelter
Icon House3.png
Upgrade a Shelter. Collects Devotion while they sleep. Never collapses. 2 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
2 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
3 Poop.png Fertilizer
Shared Shelter
Icon SharedHouse.png
A place for multiple followers to sleep. Never collapses. 8 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
8 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
8 Poop.png Fertilizer
Cooking Fire
Icon CookingFire.png
[Can only be built once] Cook raw items and turn them into Meals that Followers can eat. 5 Lumber.png Lumber
2 Stone.png Stone
Icon Kitchen.png
Allows Followers to cook meals for their fellow cult members. 4 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
8 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
8 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
Body Pit
Icon BodyPit.png
Bury dead Followers in a simple pit. Avoids rotting corpses. 10 Coin.png Coins
5 Lumber.png Lumber
Icon Grave2.png
Upgraded Body Pit. Mutually exclusive with Natural Burial. 20 Coin.png Coins
3 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
Icon Outhouse.png
Give your Followers somewhere to relieve themselves. 20 Coin.png Coins
5 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Outhouse II
Icon Outhouse2.png
Upgraded version of Outhouse. Has higher capacity. 10 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards
7 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
20 Coin.png Coins
Janitor Station
Icon Janitor.png
Followers will automatically clean vomit and poop. 6 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
5 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Janitor Station II A building that allows Followers to clean up their own mess. Followers will also clean outhouses.
Icon Prison.png
Holds naughty Followers.Effective at dealing with dissenters, stopping their preaching and makes re-education actions more effective. 25 Lumber.png Lumber
20 Coin.png Coins
Propaganda Speakers
Icon PropagandaSpeaker.png
Ensure your Followers hear your message. When within range of speakers, Followers will work and pray 20% faster. Requires Gold Bars as fuel regularly. 10 Coin.png Coins
2 Stone.png Stone
5 Lumber.png Lumber
Demonic Summoning Circle
Icon DemonSummoner.png
[Can only be built once] Possess a Follower with the spirit of a Demon so that they can join you on your next Crusade. 20 Coin.png Coins
10 Stone.png Stone
5 Lumber.png Lumber
Demonic Summoning Circle II
Icon DemonSummoner2.png
[Can only be built once] Upgraded Demonic Summoning Circle. Summon 2 Demons at a time. 4 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
3 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
1 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Demonic Summoning Circle III
Icon DemonSummoner3.png
[Can only be built once] Upgraded Demonic Summoning Circle II. Summon 3 Demons at a time. 15 Spider Silk.png Spider Silk
6 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
5 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
Healing Bay
Icon HealingBay.png
[Can only be built once] Sick Followers can be assigned here to be quickly healed for 15 Camellia.png Camellia 20 Coin.png Coins
10 Camellia.png Camellia
5 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Healing Bay II
Icon HealingBay2.png
[Can only be built once] Upgraded version of Healing Bay. Lower the treatment costs to 10 Camellia.png Camellia 10 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
10 Camellia.png Camellia
5 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Icon Morgue.png
[Can only be built once] Followers can collect and store bodies while you are away here, but it must be emptied before it is full or it will cause illness. 24 Coin.png Coins
24 Stone.png Stone
Morgue II
Icon Morgue2.png
[Can only be built once] Upgraded version of Morgue. Higher capacity. 8 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
6 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
Icon Crypt.png
Lay multiple dead Followers to rest. Avoids rotting corpses. 24 Coin.png Coins
16 Stone.png Stone
Crypt II
Icon Crypt2.png
Upgraded version of Crypt. Holds more dead. 5 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
4 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
Crypt III
Icon Crypt3.png
Upgraded version of Crypt II. Holds even more dead. 13 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
14 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
Tailor Creates outfits for Followers to keep them stylish.
Leader Tent A resting place worthy of a glorious Leader, and their Crown.


Name Image Description Cost
Farm Plot
Icon FarmPlot.png
The basics of all farming. Requires seeds. 5 Grass.png Grass
2 Coin.png Coins
Farmer Station
Icon Farm.png
Farmer Station's allows Followers to water nearby crops. 20 Coin.png Coins
20 Lumber.png Lumber
Farmer Station II
Icon Farm2.png
Upgraded version of Farmer Station. Farmers will be able to harvest your crops and deposit them in a chest for you to collect. 10 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
5 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
Icon Scarecrow.png
Prevents birds from stealing the seeds from Farm Plots within range. 25 Lumber.png Lumber
30 Coin.png Coins
Trap Scarecrow
Icon Scarecrow2.png
Upgraded version of Scarecrow. Catches birds that try to steal the seeds from Farm Plots within range. 10 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
5 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
10 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Compost Bin
Icon CompostBin.png
Deposit Grass to turn it into Fertilizer. 10 Spider Silk.png Spider Silk
10 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
5 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Natural Burial
Icon CompostBinBody.png
Deposit dead bodies to turn them into Fertilizer. Mutually exclusive with the Grave. 6 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
10 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Harvest Totem
Icon HarvestTotem.png
Increase growth speed of all Farm Plots within range. 5 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
2 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
20 Coin.png Coins
Devotion Harvest Totem
Icon HarvestTotem2.png
Upgraded version of Harvest Totem. Slowly generates Devotion. 10 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
5 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
5 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Seed Silo
Icon SiloSeed.png
Put seeds here for your Followers to sow. 20 Coin.png Coins
10 Stone.png Stone
10 Lumber.png Lumber
Fertiliser Silo
Icon SiloFertiliser.png
Put fertilizer here for your Followers to use on Farm Plots. 20 Coin.png Coins
5 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks


Name Image Description Cost
Icon Lumberjack.png
A Follower will generate Lumber. Collapses after a certain amount gathered. 15 Lumber.png Lumber
30 Coin.png Coins
Lumberyard II
Icon Lumberjack Lvl2.png
Upgraded version of Lumberyard. Can generate more Lumber before collapsing. 3 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
2 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
5 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards
Stone Mine
Icon BloodstoneMine.png
A Follower will generate Stone. Collapses after a certain amount gathered. 30 Coin.png Coins
10 Stone.png Stone
Stone Mine II
Icon BloodstoneMine Lvl2.png
Upgraded version of Stone Mine. Can generate more Stone before collapsing. 10 Spider Silk.png Spider Silk
2 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
2 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
Icon Refinery.png
Converts basic resources into advanced ones. 5 Lumber.png Lumber
10 Stone.png Stone
20 Coin.png Coins
Refinery II
Icon Refinery2.png
Upgraded version of Refinery. Can queue more and refine items faster. 6 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
5 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
3 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks



These buildings are tied to generating Faith, increasing Loyalty, and some alternate resources sources.

Name Image Description Cost
Icon Shrine1.png
[Can only be built once] A place for your Followers to pray. The shrine will hold the Devotion they create. 30 Coin.png Coins
Icon Temple.png
[Can only be built once] Used to perform Rituals, to deliver Sermons, to upgrade the Red Crown, and to proclaim Doctrines. 15 Lumber.png Lumber
5 Stone.png Stone
Confession Booth
Icon ConfessionBooth.png
[Can only be built once] Hear a Follower's confession to increase their Loyalty. Can be used once a day. 10 Coin.png Coins
3 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
5 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Icon Missionary.png
[Can only be built once] Send your Followers on a holy quest to gather resources. That is, if they make it back alive... 40 Coin.png Coins
5 Stone.png Stone
20 Lumber.png Lumber
Missionary II
Icon Missionary2.png
[Can only be built once] Upgraded version of Missionary. Can send up to 2 Followers at once, more types of resources and more chance of success. 80 Coin.png Coins
5 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
5 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Missionary III
Icon Missionary3.png
[Can only be built once] Upgraded version of Missionary II. Can send up to 3 Followers once, more types of resources and more chance of success. 20 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards
20 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
20 Wooden Planks.png Wooden Planks
Icon ShrinePassive1.png
A place for Followers who are not worshipping to pray throughout the day and deposit Devotion. 20 Coin.png Coins
10 Stone.png Stone
Tabernacle II
Icon ShrinePassive2.png
Upgraded version of Tabernacle. Can hold more Devotion. 30 Coin.png Coins
5 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
Tabernacle III
Icon ShrinePassive3.png
Upgraded version of Tabernacle II. Can hold more Devotion. 10 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
10 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
Offering Statue
Icon OfferingStatue.png
A statue where Followers can leave Offerings in your honour. 30 Coin.png Coins
20 Lumber.png Lumber
10 Stone.png Stone
Empowered Shrine of Disciples Disciples pray at this Shrine to give you boosts while Crusading. 15 Gold Bars.png Gold_Bars
8 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
Collected Shrine of Disciples Disciples will collect Devotion from other structures within radius and deposits it here.


These buildings are tied to generating Sin, and some alternate resources sources.

Name Image Description Cost
Drinkhouse Brew drinks for your Followers to generate Sin
Drinkhouse II Brew drinks for your Followers to generate Sin. Stores more drink.
Mating Tent Invite two Followers to decide if they wish to make an Egg together. Costs Sin
Hatchery A place for eggs to hatch.
Hatchery II A place for eggs to hatch. Eggs will hatch quicker.
Drum Circle Perform at the Drum Circle and let the rhythmic beats tempt the faithful... Generates Sin


Decorative pieces that may also have a secondary quest application. The secondary applications are:

  • One of the follower quests requires building 3 new decorations (paths don't count).
  • Building decorations also provides a slight faith boost, which can be boosted through Belief in False Idols Trait


Name Image Description Cost Unlocked by
Wooden Lanterns
Icon TwigLamp.png
A simple way to light the dark 2 Lumber.png Lumber Crusading
Crown Fountain
Icon Fountain.png
A softly weeping fountain 5 Stone.png Stone
Icon WreathStick.png
A simple decorative wreath of sticks 4 Grass.png Grass
Tree Stump Lamb Statue
Icon StumpLambStatue.png
The Lamb carved of wood. 3 Lumber.png Lumber
Icon StoneHenge.png
Who made it? 2 Stone.png Stone
Icon Pond.png
A tranquil pond. 2 Stone.png Stone
Leafy Flower Sculpture
Icon LeafyFlowerSculpture.png
A colourful display of nature's blessing. 5 Grass.png Grass
Leafy Lantern
Icon LeafyLantern.png
An overgrown stand for a lantern 4 Grass.png Grass
Lamb Flag Statue
Icon LambFlagStatue.png
A statue of the mighty Lamb. 5 Stone.png Stone
Stone Candle
Icon StoneCandle.png
A candle atop a stone 1 Stone.png Stone
Flower Arch
Icon FlowerArch.png
An archway of woven blooms and vines 10 Grass.png Grass
Camellia Bed
Icon FlowerBox1.png
A decorative bed made of Camellia flowers 2 Camellia.png Camellia
5 Grass.png Grass
Bone Wall
Icon WallBone.png
Sturdier than grass. 1 Bone.png Bone
Candle Barrel
Icon CandleBarrel.png
A Barrel with candles atop. 1 Lumber.png Lumber Divine Inspiration: Basic decorations
Small Stone Candle
Icon SmallStoneCandle.png
An ancient stone holding a single candle. 2 Stone.png Stone
Twig Wall
Icon WallTwigs.png
Stronger than grass. 1 Lumber.png Lumber
Grass Wall
Icon WallGrass.png
Better than nothing. 1 Grass.png Grass
Potted Bush
Icon PottedBush.png
A pretty bush in a decorative pot. 3 Grass.png Grass
Ancient Stone
Icon StoneDecoration1.png
A cool spooky stone formation 1 Stone.png Stone
Flag of the Crown
Icon CrownFlag.png
A flag bearing the symbol of your Crown. 1 Lumber.png Lumber
10 Grass.png Grass
Bone Arch
Icon BoneArch.png
An arch constructed of bones. 4 Bone.png Bone Divine Inspiration: Bone decorations
Barrel of Bones
Icon BoneBarrel.png
A barrel... full of bones! 1 Bone.png Bone
1 Lumber.png Lumber
Skull Candle
Icon BoneCandle.png
Once holder of brains, now holder of candles. 1 Stone.png Stone
Skeleton Crown Flag
Icon BoneFlagCrown.png
A rigid bone pillar to raise your flag 3 Bone.png Bone
Bone Lantern
Icon BoneLantern.png
To illuminate and intimidate 3 Bone.png Bone
Pile O' Skulls
Icon BonePillar.png
Skulls in a pile. 2 Bone.png Bone
Bone Sculpture
Icon BoneSculpture.png
An imposing sculpture built of bone. 5 Bone.png Bone
Massive Monster Shrine
Icon MassiveMonsterShrine.png
[Can only be built once] Pray to the mighty monster. 5 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks Defeating Rakshasa
The One Who Waits Trophy
Icon DeathCatShrine.png
[Can only be built once] A trophy for killing the One Who Waits 20 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
10 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
Choose to kill The One Who Waits after defeating him, or from ???, if you didn't chose to kill him.


Cultist Pack DLC

Name Image Description Cost Unlocked by
Wall Flower Pot
Icon FlowerPotWall.png
Small flower pots strung upon a post. 1 Camellia.png Camellia
2 Grass.png Grass
Cultist DLC
Leafy Lamp Post
Icon LeafyLampPost.png
To illuminate the lush green surrounds. 3 Grass.png Grass
2 Stone.png Stone
Flower Vase
Icon FlowerVase.png
A delicate addition to any base. 2 Camellia.png Camellia
Watering Can
Icon WateringCan.png
Not for practical use 2 Camellia.png Camellia
1 Stone.png Stone
Small Flower Cart
Icon FlowerCartSmall.png
The bounty of springtime, on wheels. 2 Camellia.png Camellia
1 Lumber.png Lumber
Weeping Shrine
Icon WeepingShrine.png
A shrine in memory of a sorrowful soul. 2 Stone.png Stone
10 Grass.png Grass
Flower Flooring
Icon Tile Flowers.png
Green grass with flowers growing. None

Heretic Pack DLC

Name Image Description Cost Unlocked by
Gem of Gore
Icon OldFaith Crystal.png
A blood-red crystal. Smells of iron... 1 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
4 Coin.png Coin
Heretic DLC
Flag of the Old Faith
Icon OldFaith Flag.png
A flag bearing a symbol of ancient scripture. 2 Coin.png Coin
2 Grass.png Grass
Fount of Desolation
Icon OldFaith Fountain.png
A burbling spring of entropy. 4 Stone.png Stone
8 Coin.png Coin
1 Follower Meat.png Follower Meat
Iron Maiden of Old Faith
Icon OldFaith IronMaiden.png
For those truly deserving of punishment. 3 Lumber.png Lumber
1 Follower Meat.png Follower Meat
Shrine of the Old Faith
Icon OldFaith Shrine.png
To commemorate what has endured. 2 Stone.png Stone
2 Camellia.png Camellia
The Eternal Flame
Icon OldFaith Torch.png
Burning as long as the Old Faith perseveres... 1 Stone.png Stone
2 Grass.png Grass
Walls of Ruin
Icon OldFaith Wall.png
Upon which forgotten pleas are carved. 1 Stone.png Stone
Flooring of the Old Faith
Icon Tile OldFaith.png
The perfect tile upon which to bend the knee. None

Sinful Pack DLC

Name Image Description Cost Unlocked by

Twitch Unlocks

Name Image Description Cost Unlocked by
Twitch Flag of the Crown
Icon Twitch CrownFlag.png
A flag bearing the symbol of your Crown. 3 Lumber.png Lumber Twitch integration: filling up the Twitch totem bar and landing on the Twitch icon.
Bag of Mushrooms
Icon Twitch MushroomBag.png
A big bag full of purple mushrooms. 2 Menticide Mushroom.png Menticide Mushroom
Twitch Potted Bush
Icon Twitch RoseBush.png
A pretty bush in a decorative pot. 3 Grass.png Grass
Twitch Stone Flag
Icon Twitch FlagRock.png
A stone pillar to raise your flag. 2 Stone.png Stone
Stone Statue
Icon Twitch StoneStatue.png
A decorative statue carved from stone. 3 Stone.png Stone
Wooden Guardian
Icon Twitch WoodenGuardian.png
A decorative statue carved from wood. 3 Lumber.png Lumber


Name Image Description Cost Unlocked by
Lamb Plush Effigy
Icon Plush.png
[Can only built once] This effigy of the leader holds a connection to some distant world... 20 Grass.png Grass Buying the Lamb plushie merch

Special Events

These decorations are acquirable in Blood Moon Festival, during the Blood Moon Ritual

Name Image Description Cost Unlocked by
Blood Moon Candle
Blood Moon Candle.png
A decorative candle to commemorate the Blood Moon 3 Stone.png Stone
1 Grass.png Grass
Catching ghosts during the Blood Moon Ritual
Blood Moon Skull
Blood Moon Skull.png
The skull of a creature who perished under red skies... 2 Bone.png Bone
2Camellia.png Camellia
Blood Moon Tree
Blood Moon Tree.png
A tree that only grows during the Blood Moon 10 Lumber.png Lumber
Blood Moon Pumpkin
Blood Moon Pumpkin.png
Honour the Blood Moon with this pumpkin. 3 Pumpkin.png Pumpkin
2 Lumber.png Lumber


Name Image Description Unlocked by
Dirt Flooring
Icon Tile Mud.png
Only the finest dirt. Crusading
Hay Flooring
Icon Tile Hay.png
Hay to lay upon the ground.
Lava Flooring
Icon Tile Blood.png
Tread with care...
Cobblestone Flooring
Icon Tile Rocks.png
Sturdy and nostalgic.
Brick Flooring
Icon Tile Bricks.png
Follow the road.
Plank Flooring
Icon Tile Planks.png
Wooden planks, perfect for walking.
Gold Flooring
Icon Tile Gold.png
You are the Leader, after all...
Mosaic Flooring
Icon Tile Mosaic.png
Perfectly placed patterns.
Forest Flooring
Icon Tile FloweryRocky.png
Bring nature to you.


Name Image Description Cost Unlocked by
Farm Plot Sign
Icon FarmPlotSign.png
Organize your farm with this handy signpost. 2 Lumber.png Lumber Crusading in Darkwood
Flower Barrow
Icon Barrow.png
A wheelbarrow filled with flowers. 3 Grass.png Grass
1 Camellia.png Camellia
Stone Wall
Icon WallStone.png
Sturdier than bone 1 Stone.png Stone
Large Torch
Icon TorchBig.png
A blazing beacon 2 Stone.png Stone
2 Lumber.png Lumber
Hay Bale
Icon HayBale.png
A bale of hay. 2 Grass.png Grass
Hay Pile
Icon HayPile.png
A pile of hay 2 Grass.png Grass
Stone Flag
Icon StoneFlag.png
A stone pillar to raise your flag. 2 Stone.png Stone
Leshy Trophy
Icon CrownShrine 0.png
[Can only built once] A trophy for killing Leshy 4 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
3 Stone.png Stone
10 Camellia.png Camellia
Beating Leshy.


Name Image Description Cost Unlocked by
Little Mushroom
Icon Mushroom1.png
A small mushroom. 2 Menticide Mushroom.png Menticide Mushroom Crusading in Anura
Small Mushroom Candle
Icon MushroomCandle1.png
Mushroom stands for a few candles 2 Menticide Mushroom.png Menticide Mushroom
Mushroom Flag
Icon FlagMushroom.png
A mushroom pillar to raise your flag 1 Menticide Mushroom.png Menticide Mushroom
2 Lumber.png Lumber
Stone Mushroom
Icon StoneMushroom.png
Don't be fooled; it's made of rock 3 Stone.png Stone

Pumpkin Pile

Icon PumpkinPile.png
A pile of pumpkins! 3 Pumpkin.png Pumpkin
Carved Pumpkin
Icon PumpkinStool.png
A pumpkin carved with a crown. 1 Lumber.png Lumber
1 Pumpkin.png Pumpkin
Mushroom Sculpture
Icon MushroomSculpture.png
[Can only be built once] A decorative sculpture to celebrate fungus! 35 Menticide Mushroom.png Menticide Mushroom
20 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
Complete the Brainwashing Ritual and return to Sozo
Heket Trophy
Icon CrownShrine 1.png
[Can only built once] A trophy for killing Heket 4 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
10 Menticide Mushroom.png Menticide Mushroom
Defeat Heket.


Name Image Description (Size) Cost Unlocked by
Crystal Lamp
Icon CrystalLamp.png
A lantern comprised of shining crystal 2 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards Crusading in Anchordeep.
Crystal Lantern
Icon CrystalLight.png
A large crystal that glows softly 3 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards
Crystal Rock
Icon CrystalRock.png
A rock studded with blue crystal. 3 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards
Crystal Statue
Icon CrystalStatue.png
A radiant tower of shining crystal. 2 Stone Blocks.png Stone Blocks
3 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards
Crystal Window
Icon CrystalWindow.png
An arched window of stained glass. 2 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards
Crystal Flag
Icon FlagCrystal.png
A crystal pillar to raise your flag 3 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards
Crystal Tree
Icon CrystalTree.png
A unique form of flora 3 Lumber.png Lumber
3 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards
Kallamar Trophy
Icon CrownShrine 2.png
[Can only built once] A trophy for killing Kallamar 4 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
10 Crystal Shards.png Crystal Shards
Defeat Kallamar

Silk Cradle

Name Image Description Cost Unlocked by
Spider Silk Wall
Icon WallSpider.png
Stronger than stone. 3 Spider Silk.png Spider Silk Crusading in the Silk Cradle.
Giant Skull
Icon BoneSkullBig.png
The remains of something truly impressive 5 Bone.png Bone
Skull Pile
Icon BoneSkullPile.png
A large intimidating pile of skulls 5 Bone.png Bone
Spider Lantern
Icon SpiderLantern.png
A lantern stand covered in cobwebs 2 Spider Silk.png Spider Silk
Spider Pillar
Icon SpiderPillar.png
A pillar draped in spider silk 8 Spider Silk.png Spider Silk
Spider Torch
Icon SpiderTorch.png
To illuminate the spider-filled dark 3 Spider Silk.png Spider Silk
Web Crown Sculpture
Icon SpiderWebCrownSculpture.png
Your symbol captured in a cobweb 3 Spider Silk.png Spider Silk
Shamura Trophy
Icon CrownShrine 3.png
[Can only built once] A trophy for killing Shamura 4 Gold Bars.png Gold Bars
10 Spider Silk.png Spider Silk
Defeat Shamura.


Resources - Weapons - Curses - Relics - Fleeces - Holy Talisman - Commandment Stone - Penitence Mode - Achievements - Twitch integration
Major Update
Cult of the Lamb (Cultist Pack) - Relics of the Old Faith (Heretic Pack) - Don't Starve Together x Cult of the Lamb - Sins of the Flesh (Sinful Pack)
Cult and You
Cult of the Lamb HQ - Followers - Rituals - Buildings - Divine Inspiration - Quests - Sin - Resurrection
Forms - Faith - Loyalty (Dissenter) - Traits - Food - Robe
Lands of the Old Faith (Old Faith) - Crusade - Bosses - Fervour - Heart of a Heretic - Purgatory
The Lamb - Leshy - Heket - Kallamar - Shamura - The One Who Waits - Ratau - Mystic Seller